Scalable podcast hosting and distribution

Your entire podcast archive in one place

Unlimited storage

Never worry about running out of space, with unlimited storage for your show's episodes and archive.

Safe and backed up

All your audio is safely stored on enterprise-grade servers, automatically backed up with geo-redundancy.

Batch upload

Easily upload multiple episodes at a time with our drag & drop uploader. Or import your entire existing archive with RSS.

Searchable archive

Find the exact episodes or recording you're looking for across your entire library. Search by title, description, date and annotations.

Manage multiple shows

Quickly switch between shows to easily maintain control over an entire podcast network from one central dashboard.

Multiple users & permissions

Let different teams collaborate more efficiently on shows and limit access to sensitive information.

Supported audio formats

MP3, AAC, WAV and uncompressed AIFF

Maximum file size

1,200MB per file

Make your podcast episodes shine

Upload podcast episode artwork

Make your audio look good too. Automatically apply your standard artwork to all your episodes or upload custom artwork for specific episodes.

Add rich descriptions

Add hyperlinks and text formatting to your episode descriptions using our inline text editor with international character support.

Mix and match playlists

Re-package your content into multiple playlists to embed or podcast. Set up a playlist for full episodes, a best-of compilation or separate playlists for recurring segments.

A suite of podcast tools that covers it all

Take your on-demand audio to the next level